Range & Pasture Grass Identification (Plant ID)

No District 8 Contest for 2020-2021. 

MJ Hanna Foundation Open Invitational Contest-Coryell County

Date: Saturday, April 10, 2021

Location: MJ Hanna Ranch, Hanna Ranch Rd, Gatesville, TX

Website: https://coryell.agrilife.org/

Contest Rules & Entry Forms: PDF MS WORD



This is the next step after you have learned the grass and plant types! The 4-H judging program concentrates on making decisions about the rangeland resource including ecological site health determination, stocking rate, and the use of management tools to benefit the forage, soil, water, and livestock/wildlife resources. You will learn about grazing distribution, season of forage use, kinds and classes of livestock and stocking rate. And then actually calculate a current stocking rate for the given situation. The key to success in this contest relies on your ability to identify plants and have knowledge of their ecological and economic value. The 4-H Range Evaluation Contest is conducted totally outdoors.

Rules & Guidelines

District 8 4-H Spring Judging Contests Rules & Guidelines
Plant Identification Scan Sheet

Number of Grasses to be Identified:

Contest Study Materials

The Master Plant list, rules, description of plants and more can be found on the Range Science & Management Project Resources page on the Texas 4-H website at the following link:

Agent Information

2020 Contest Letter – MS Wordpdf
2019 Contest Letter – MS Wordpdf



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