Category Archives: News
Robertson County Fair Livestock ~ Livestock, Wool & Mohair Judging Contest
The Robertson County Fair is hosting a Livestock, Wool & Mohair Judging Contest on Saturday, April 8, 2017. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and the official contest will start at 9 a.m. For further information, please contact the Robertson County AgriLife Extension Office at (979) 828-4270 or visit
Texas Dove Hunters Association Scholarship
The Texas Dove Hunters Association will be awarding nine, $500 scholarships to high school seniors this May. Applications must be post marked by Monday, April 3, 2017. For further information, please call (210) 764-1189 or visit
2017 D8 4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl Results
The District 8 4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl contest was held Saturday, March 4 at the McLennan Community College Emergency Services Education Center in Waco. Nutrition Quiz Bowl is a competition where participants must be knowledgeable about food and nutrition topics, and participants use a buzzer in order to answer. Teams compete in a double elimination format by giving oral answers to questions posed by a judge. For contest results visit 2017 D8 4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl Results. Congratulations to our D8 contest winners!
Immediate Attention – Service Project for Panhandle Wildfires
CALLING ALL 4-H MEMBERS AND FAMILIES! Our friends in the Panhandle need our help due to the wildfires. The District 1 and District 2 4-H Programs are accepting donations through the CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 16TH for the following items: Pre-packaged snacks Chap Stick Visine Bottled Water Gift Cards Please see the information below for shipping addresses. Due to the need and time limitations, please do not wait to ship/mail any items. Collection Point 1: District 1 4-H Shawnte Clawson 6500 Amarillo Blvd. W. Amarillo, TX 806-677-5600… Read More →
Results for District 8 4-H Consumer Decision Making Contest
Congratulations to our District 8 4-H members who competed in this year’s Consumer Decision Making Contest held in Waco on Saturday, March 4, 2017. The top five placing individuals and the top three placing teams were recognized – For a complete list of contest results please select CDM Results. Junior Individual Name County Total Score 1st Kade Mitchell Navarro 300 2nd Elena Herrin Navarro 291 3rd Corbin Powell Erath 290 4th Elaine Meyers Navarro 290 5th Brock Harrison Navarro 290 Intermediate Individual Name County Total Score 1st JW… Read More →