Category Archives: News
Texas 4-H Dog Validation
Mixed breed or purebred, all kinds of dogs are welcome in the 4-H Dog Care, Training Projects, and Texas 4-H Dog Show. To be eligible for the State 4-H Dog Show all dogs must be validated through 4-H CONNECT by January 10th of the current year. Detailed instructions are available on the Texas 4-H Dog Show web page at
D8 4-H Food Show & Food Challenge Results
The District 8 4-H Food Show and Food Challenge Results are complete ~ Join us in congratulating these stars of kitchen! D8 4-H_Food_Show_Food Challenge_Results
Tomorrow’s Leaders – Youth Workshop
The Blackland Income Growth (BIG) conference is offering a youth workshop on Tuesday, December 13th from 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Waco. There is no cost to attend and lunch is provided – Registration must be completed by Wednesday, November 30th. Please see the attached printable flyer and information/registration tab for additional details.
Wool & Mohair Coaches Training – December 7th and December 12th
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension will be hosting two workshops for County Agents and Coaches of 4-H wool and mohair judging teams. In each workshop, new rules and processes will be discussed for the 2017 judging season. In addition, County Agents and Coaches will receive information regarding the services Texas A&M AgriLife Extension may provide with regard to wool fleeces and mohair samples, set-up and delivery, and placing of officials for invitational and district contests. The offered workshops are an excellent opportunity for members of counties that have not… Read More →