Texas 4-H is excited to announce that plans are underway for the 2013 Texas 4-H Golf Challenge Camp. This year’s camp will be hosted in College Station April 26-28th, 2013. Last year’s camp was a huge success and spots filled quickly.
This year the camp will be limited to the first 30 youth (Intermediate and Seniors) to sign up on 4-H Connect. The registration fee for this year’s event will be $225 and will cover the following: meals, hotel lodging, professional golf instruction, and all other instructional fees.
This camp will serve as an excellent way for youth to prepare for each of the regional golf challenges and state golf challenge that will be held in July. In addition, it will also provide those just getting involved in the Golf Challenge Program the opportunity to learn the nuts and bolts of what it offers to you.
Please help in promoting this in your county. It is a camp that youth will not want to miss out on. Check out the flyer here.
Questions? Contact Kyle Merten at the Texas 4-H & Youth Development office. Kjmerten@ag.tamu.edu or 979–845-6533 or visit the Golf Challenge website at http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/golf.