It’s Horse Validation time!

As a reminder, horse validation via 4-H Connect is required for horses shown at the District and State 4-H Horse Shows.  Horses must be owned and validated by the 4-H member, their parents, grandparents, legal guardian, or sibling by May 1st of each year.  A horse that has been validated before must be re-validated (and paid) each year, if it is to be shown.  The validation of multiple horses is encouraged, so the 4-H member has options, in case of an unforeseen accident, injury, or death of one of the horses.

Horse Validation Dates
March 1 – April 15 – $10/horse
April 16 – May 1 – $20/horse

May 1st is the absolute deadline for validation of horses.

Click here for the instructions for families.  We will also have them posted to the state horse website soon, along with other State 4-H Horse Show information. (Click on State 4-H Horse Show link.)

If you have further questions, contact your County Extension Agent.

Horse Validation Facebook

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