Over the past four years 4-H members have had the opportunity to create and design the theme and logo for Texas 4-H Roundup. And this has been the brand of Texas 4-H Roundup. More than 250 entries have been sent in during this time.
Well, we’re spicing it up a little this year! This year, youth will only have to provide a theme. But here’s the new twist: to add some meaning behind it we are asking youth to provide either a YouTube video talking about their theme or a 100-word essay on the importance of it. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?? So get to thinking about what you think the theme should be for this year….who knows? Maybe you’ve got the next great ideas stirring in your brain already!
For more on these changes check out the flyer. The deadline for all submissions is September 25, 2013. Pass along the info to your friends!