The Texas 4-H & Youth Development Program is pleased to announce plans for the 2013 4-H Volunteer Conference, which is scheduled for July 12-14 in Plano, TX. The conference will kick-off with a dinner and general session on Friday, July 12th at the District 4 Research & Extension Center, which will include a keynote speaker, as well as greetings and updates from Dr. Chris Boleman and Dr. Doug Steele. Workshops will take place all day Saturday (8 am – 5 pm) and Sunday morning (8 am – 12 pm) at the Plano Centre in Plano, TX.
View the flyer and please feel free to share this information with other volunteers in your county and encourage them to participate in this exceptional volunteer development event.
A request for workshop proposals is also currently open. We hope you will consider submitting a proposal to present a workshop at the conference. A link to the online proposal application, as well as more information on the conference, is available on the conference website:
We hope you’ll join us in July!